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Firearms Licensing

Applying For or Renewing a Certificate

Application forms are available from the link at the bottom of this page, but before you begin to download and complete forms, you must read this important guidance:

Certificate holders are responsible for their own renewals and must allow adequate time to apply for a certificate. You will receive notification that your certificate is about to expire approximately 16 weeks before and we recommend that you begin the renewal process immediately.

Grant application latest update

If you have already applied for the grant of a new firearm or shotgun certificate please be aware that whilst we still accepted applications during periods of Covid, restrictions prevented us from visiting households.

This has caused a significant delay which we are working hard to address and all new applications are being dealt with in date order from when they were received. We are currently processing applications that were submitted to us in April 2024.

This information will be updated on a regular basis so please keep checking here for the latest information.

Firearms Licensing Fees

The Firearms Licensing Unit is currently experiencing a high volume of applications and while we will strive to ensure your renewal is granted prior to the expiry date of your certificate we request that your renewal paperwork is submitted at the earliest opportunity.

Download an Application Form

• All firearms, shotgun and explosives application forms
• Firearm and shotgun security measures

New address or bought / sold a weapon?

If you wish to inform us of a change of address or to notify us of any weapons purchased, sold or destroyed this MUST be done in writing and can be sent to us by email or post using the details below.

Firearms Licensing Department Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01772 413631 (Between 10am and 12pm)

Post: Firearms Licensing Department, Lancashire Constabulary, Hutton, Preston, PR4 5SB