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Misconduct Hearings

Under the latest Police (Conduct) Regulations, which came into force 1 February 2020, misconduct hearings and accelerated misconduct hearings for police officers are held in public.  There may, however, be circumstances where this is not appropriate and the hearing, or parts of the hearing, will be heard in private.  This decision is at the discretion of the Chair who make take into consideration any representations submitted by the relevant parties.

The Chair of a misconduct hearing will be appointed from a list of independent legally qualified individuals and the Chair of an accelerated misconduct hearing will be a Chief Officer.

The facts of the case will be heard by the panel and this may include live witness evidence.  The Panel will then consider the case and if they find the behaviour of the officer amounts to misconduct or gross misconduct the following options are available to them:

If misconduct found:

  • Dismissal without Notice
  • Reduction in Rank
  • Final Written Warning
  • Written Warning

If gross misconduct found:

  • Dismissal without Notice
  • Reduction in Rank
  • Final Written Warning

Attending a Misconduct Hearing

Notice of a public hearing will be published below not less than five working days before. This will include details of the date, time and venue of the hearing. Publication of further details of the case will be subject to the consideration of the Chair.

Venues will have a limited number of seats set aside for members of the public and accredited press/media representatives. Seats may be allocated in advance of the hearing and the publication of the hearing will provide details of how to reserve a seat. In such cases, when you receive confirmation of an allocated seat you will also be provided with the conditions of entry.

You may be subject to a security search and may need to present valid photographic identification prior to entering the hearing. The Chair of the hearing may impose further conditions such as reporting, recording and photography restrictions and members of the public or press should refer to directions given in individual cases.

Public Hearings

Hearings are listed two weeks in advance, with information on how to apply to attend.

Public Misconduct Hearing:

Date: 5th – 7th August 2024

Time: 10.00 am

Location: Ormskirk Police Station, 1 Derby Street, Ormskirk, L39 2BJ

Officer: Former officer 2177 Spencer


Assistant Chief Constable Mark Winstanley – Chair

Stephen Chappell – Legally Qualified Person

Mark Smith – Independent Panel Member

Kathryn Foreman – Independent Panel Member

It is alleged by the Appropriate Authority that being a police officer with Lancashire Constabulary, former officer 2177 Spencer breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour set out in Schedule 2 to the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020.

It is alleged that whilst in the presence of colleagues, former officer Spencer used words and behaved in a manner that lacked courtesy and self-control and was offensive and disrespectful. 

It is further alleged that the former officer engaged in unwanted conduct towards a colleague and the conduct created an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive environment. 

It is also alleged that the former officer treated colleagues less favourably than others based on their sex and his behaviour in relation to women lacked respect.

In light of the stated conduct, it is alleged that former officer 2177 Spencer has breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour relating to Authority, Respect and Courtesy, Equality and Diversity and Discreditable Conduct.

A limited number of seats are usually available for members of the public and accredited press reports/media representatives to observe proceedings. 

If you would like to observe proceedings, then please read the conditions of entry and register by submitting the application form to:

[email protected]

If you are successful in securing a place you will receive an email confirmation which you must bring with you to the hearing to enable entry.

Registration will close at 4pm on Wednesday 31st July 2024.


Public Misconduct Hearing:

Date: 2nd – 3rd September 2024

Time: 10.00 am

Location: Ormskirk Police Station, 1 Derby Street, Ormskirk, L39 2BJ

Officer: Former officer 117 Heffernan


Mr Paul Forster – Legally Qualified Chair 

Superintendent Claire Cooper-Moore – Police Panel Member

Ms Kathryn Foreman – Independent Panel Member

It is alleged by the Appropriate Authority that being a police officer with Lancashire Constabulary, former officer 117 Heffernan breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour set out in Schedule 2 to the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020.

It is alleged that on the 18th September 2019 former officer 117 Heffernan arranged to meet an off-duty police staff member and engaged in sexual activity with her in a police vehicle whilst on duty.

In light of the stated conduct, it is alleged that former officer 177 Heffernan has breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in the area(s) of Discreditable Conduct, Honesty and Integrity and Duties and Responsibilities. 

A limited number of seats are usually available for members of the public and accredited press reports/media representatives to observe proceedings. 

If you would like to observe proceedings, then please read the conditions of entry and register by submitting the application form to:

[email protected]

If you are successful in securing a place you will receive an email confirmation which you must bring with you to the hearing to enable entry.

Registration will close at 4pm on Wednesday 28th August 2024.