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Fleetwood Police partner with former Royal Marines for local diversionary sessions

Friday, December 22, 2023

Officers from Fleetwood have recently provided a series of diversionary sessions for young people.

The Commando Intervention Scheme is a new initiative run by Commando Experiences and Commando Rugby School Ltd. They offer outdoor education over five weeks, run by former Royal Marine Commandos, in the Thistleton area.

The scheme offers a wide range of activities to build on young people’s confidence, resilience, and respect, with hope to increase their chances of success both inside and outside of school.

PC Ben Reynolds said: “We have set up and funded the Commando Intervention Scheme as a way to try and prevent our local young people falling into anti-social behaviour and criminality.

“We felt that working in partnership with Dave and his team was a great opportunity to show the participants that there are other opportunities available to them, and they can be achieved by embracing the Commando Ethos which the scheme looks to instil. 

“It is only early days but the results appear to be very positive, and we have a growing list of future, eager new participants.

“My thanks to our funding partners Lancashire Partnership against Crime, Wyre Council, Great Places Housing and Places for People Housing.”

Dave, from Commando Experiences and Commando Rugby School, said: “We are so happy to be partnering with officers in Fleetwood to conduct our Commando Intervention Scheme in the North West.

“Our target is to change the thought process of these young adults with lots of positive thinking, thinking outside the box and plenty of resilience work.

“You can find that some teenagers can give up when things get too hard and take the easy way out - we want to change that by challenging them. By partnering up with the police, we are making a change before it’s too late. That’s our goal.”