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Burnley Police target speeding and ASB in community day of action

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On Wednesday 18th September, the Burnley Neighbourhood Policing Team conducted a successful day of action, engaging with the local community, schools and enforcing public safety measures across the area.

The day began with educational visits to two local schools, delivering important talks on cyber bullying and internet safety, helping young students understand the risks of online activities and how to stay safe. Officers also delivered a session on anti-social behaviours (ASB) as part of Lancashire Police’s Op Centurion, where they informed the children about what ASB is and the consequences of this type of activity.

In partnership with Burnley Council, the team also focused on road safety. A joint parking enforcement operation took place outside of a local primary school, ensuring safe drop-off and pick-up of children and addressing parking violations.

Speed checks were conducted at various locations in the area, including Marsden Road, Brunshaw Avenue and Burnley Road, where a total number of 20 drivers were caught exceeding the speed limit. Letters will be sent to the offending vehicles to address these violations and ensure compliance with the speed limits.

Further collaboration took place with Calico Homes and Selective Licensing, as officers carried out an information sharing walkabout to address ongoing community concerns. This was followed by a drop-in session at Burnleywood Community Park, where Burnley FC in the Community joined us for a police officer versus children friendly football match with over 50 children in attendance. Children also had the opportunity to interact with police vehicles and explore the mobile police station. The day concluded with targeted patrols of known drugs and ASB hotspots.

Burnley Neighbourhood Inspector, Matt Plummer, said “We remain committed to ongoing community engagement and proactive initiatives to keep the area safe.

“More events and actions will be planned in the future to continue to build on the success we’ve had and to continue to tackle the issues our communities are most concerned about.”

Op Centurion is a county-wide crackdown on anti-social behaviour, led by Lancashire Constabulary and backed by Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw, delivering his priority of getting tough on anti-social behaviour, with the support of our partners.