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Childminder admits killing baby Harlow Collinge in Hapton

Friday, June 7, 2024

A childminder has today (6th June) admitted to killing a baby under her care in Hapton.

Our colleagues at the North West Ambulance Service were called to a property in Mill Lane at 1.19pm on 1st March 2022 following a report that a nine-month old baby was in cardiac arrest.

Baby Harlow Collinge was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital where it was discovered he had significant and non-accidental injuries to his brain.

Karen Foster was arrested at that time on suspicion of Section 18 grievous bodily harm.

Despite the best efforts of medical professionals, Harlow sadly died on 5th March 2022.

A post mortem examination revealed that Harlow’s cause of death was inflicted traumatic brain injury.

Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, 62-year-old Foster was charged with murdering Harlow.

Foster, now of no fixed address, appeared in the dock at Preston Crown Court today and pleaded guilty manslaughter. That plea was deemed acceptable by the prosecution and the police following a review of the evidence available.

Foster was remanded back into custody to be sentenced next Thursday (13th June).

Our thoughts remain with Harlow’s family who continue to be supported by specially-trained officers.