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Man found guilty of killing Daniel Allsop in Blackpool

Friday, August 9, 2024

A man has today been found guilty of killing 38-year-old Daniel Allsop in Blackpool.

Mali Wright, 30, was convicted at Preston Crown Court following a violent assault last year.

Daniel (pictured below) was subject to an unprovoked attack by Wright, at around 4.30pm on October 2 in Bethesda Road in Blackpool.  Wright punched Daniel so hard that he broke several of his ribs and ruptured his spleen. Daniel managed to run away but collapsed a short time later.

He was taken to Blackpool Victoria Hospital, but he sadly died of his injuries on October 4.

A murder investigation was launched, with Wright later being arrested on suspicion of causing Daniel’s death.

Following a two-week trial at Preston Crown Court, Wright was found guilty of Manslaughter.

Det. Ch. Insp. Jill Riley, of Lancashire Police’s Force Major Investigation Team, said: “My thoughts and sympathies remain with Daniel’s family at this incredibly upsetting and difficult time. They have lost a dad, son and brother, and have not been able to truly grieve for their loss.

“Wright, a former boxer, fatally injured Daniel in a serious and unprovoked attack. His actions that day showed a shocking level of violence and brutality.

“We are pleased with today’s verdict and would like to thank the jury for their careful consideration.

“Nothing will bring Daniel back to his family, but we hope today offers them some closure and our thoughts remain with them.”


Mali Wright will be sentenced on 10 September.