Lancashire Constabulary Logo

Keyholder Database Scheme

KeyPoint LogoLancashire Constabulary have established a keyholder database known as KeyPoint. You can nominate preferred individuals/services that the police or other emergency services can contact, in the unfortunate event that your premises is found to be insecure or damaged. We can also securely hold key safe and door code details for emergency access if required. Quick action can then be taken to limit any damage and make the premises secure again.

KeyPoint is available to all business, community and residential properties in Lancashire. 

The scheme can also hold next of kin details for elderly, infirm or vulnerable relatives. As well as Key Safe codes for emergency entry.

KeyPoint not only holds your keyholder details but can hold your preferred contractors such as boarding up companies, security companies, water/gas/electric suppliers, to enable us to deal with any emergency should we be unable to contact your keyholders and the need arise.

Lancashire Constabulary KeyPoint is an all year round service which ensures that help is at hand when you most need it.

Registration costs from just £11.27 inc VAT for domestic/Registered Charities and £20.50 inc VAT for Businesses. (VAT at 20%) payable annually. 

In return you will receive an efficient and effective service.  As soon as the Police Contact Centre is notified of an incident at your premises, they will be notified of your Keyholder status and can call your nominated keyholders and, if necessary, your preferred contractor.

What is a Keyholder and what are their responsibilities?

A keyholder is someone you trust such as a friend, relative or member of your staff who lives nearby, and who can gain access to your premises when you are not there. 

The keyholder will be contacted by the police and will be asked to come to the premises.  They should, ideally, live no more than 20 minutes away.

If you are providing us with a Keysafe or Door Code number these must be kept up to date with us (at least annually) to ensure they are still valid.

In the event of the property having an alarm which has been activated, the keyholder will be expected to attend the premises, know how the alarm works, be able to speak to the alarm company if necessary and knows how to reset the alarm system.

If repairs need to be carried out it is the keyholder’s responsibility to organise them.  KeyPoint may hold information provided by the premise owner and the Police Officers attending the incident can retrieve this information should it be required, but it would be an advantage if the keyholder was already aware of this information.

It would also be sensible for the keyholder to know where the gas and electricity isolators are and how to turn off the water.

If there are any hazards at the premises they should also know about these, and be able to let the emergency services know.

What are the benefits of KeyPoint?

  • A speedier resolution to any issues at your property
  • Peace of mind for you
  • Quick entry in event of an emergency
  • Authorities can quickly notify you of any impending danger e.g. flooding, fire
  • You can indicate your preferences for emergency repairs
  • Your information can be easily updated
  • Ambulance and Fire services have access to keyholder details by contacting Lancashire Constabulary

I have an alarm so why join the scheme?

The police or other emergency services may need access to your premises for incidents such as a burst water pipe or gas leak, welfare concern or if your property is found to be insecure.

If the alarm does not activate or is not linked to a central monitoring centre, the emergency services will not be aware of any keyholder details held by them for your premises.

How much does KeyPoint cost?

The following prices include VAT at 20%.


Domestic & Registered Charities


2 Key-holders



3-4 Key-holders



5-6 Key-holders








Domestic premises will list the main applicant as a keyholder, so there will usually be 3 people listed on the scheme as having keys – the applicant and 2 other people.

How do I join KeyPoint?

Fill in an application form, which can be found on the website or at your local police station, and send it with a cheque made payable to ‘PCC Lancashire’ and post it to:


Lancashire Constabulary HQ,

Saunders Lane,




PR4 5SB.


For alternate payment options please call (01772) 410107 (not open 24 hours).

E-Mail: [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions


What information can I register with KeyPoint?

You can register your keyholder details, preferred trades services and next of kin details.

Is registration open to all premises?

Yes, all types of property can be registered with KeyPoint including:

  • Registered charities
  • Domestic
  • Retail
  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Licensed
  • Lettings
Are my properties details secure?

Yes, only authorised personnel will have access to your details.  The information you have supplied to us will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.  We will only release the details you have provided to us to other emergency services if we are satisfied that there is an incident that needs urgent attention.  We will not pass on your details to other organisations in any other situation.

When will I be covered from?

You will be covered once payment has been cleared and you will be advised in writing.

How long does my registration last?

Registration is for one year.

How many keyholders can I register?

You can register as many keyholders as you require within a 20 minute radius of your premises.  However additional charges apply depending on how many keyholders you require – see section on ‘How much does KeyPoint Cost?’

How much does KeyPoint registration cost?



Domestic &

Registered Charities


2 Key-holders



3-4 Key-holders



5-6 Key-holders








Do I have to pay online?

No, you can download the registration form and send it with a cheque made payable to ‘PCC Lancashire’ to:

KeyPoint, Lancashire Constabulary, Saunders Lane, Hutton, Preston, PR4 5SB, or call 01772 410107 for alternate payment options.

What happens if the premises needing cover doesn’t have a letter box?

You can inform KeyPoint where you would like any correspondence to be sent. This information can be completed in the additional information box.

Can correspondence be sent to a different address than the one requiring cover?

Yes, just complete the correspondence contact and address in the additional information box on the registration form.

Can I register more than one premise?

Yes, you will need to pay the appropriate fee for each premise ensuring each premise has a different name.

Can I register multiple premises with the same keyholders?

Yes, you can. You will need to pay the appropriate fee for each premise and ensure that the keyholders hold the information for each premise.

What happens after I register?

You will be sent a letter and a receipt to confirm that you have registered with KeyPoint. You will also be sent a window sticker to place in a prominent place so that any Police Officer attending your premises are aware you are a member of the keyholding scheme.

I already have an alarm fitted – why should I join KeyPoint?

There may be times when your alarm has not been activated, but sometimes the Police still need to gain access to your premises for example a flood caused by a burst water main or perhaps a welfare concern for a vulnerable person.

If your alarm is NOT linked to a 24 hour monitoring centre, which informs the Police of an activation and then contacts the keyholder, we will have no knowledge of your alarm, or of any named keyholders for your property. 

Who has access to my information?

Your information will be accessed by Lancashire Constabulary’s Contact Centre staff in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

I am going on holiday, should I tell you?

Yes if you are a member of KeyPoint, so that we are aware of your premises being empty.

If you are not a member of KeyPoint we do not hold keyholder or holiday information.

Do I get special service from Lancashire Constabulary by registering?

Being a member of Lancashire Constabulary’s KeyPoint scheme does not give you any special rights but it does ensure that the police know who owns or occupies the premises and who to contact to obtain further guidance in case of an incident.

Don’t the Police have an obligation to hold keyholder details?

There is no statutory requirement for the police to maintain such details free of charge and a number of other Forces no longer maintain keyholder details at all. 

How do I make changes to my existing keyholder information?

Changes can be made by contacting the KeyPoint Administration Team during office hours on 01772 410107 or e-mail [email protected].