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Are they for real? Don't like their ID? Ask their company

Bogus officials are a type of doorstep criminal who pretend they have a legitimate reason to enter your home.

They may mention the gas or water supply, your benefits or other important matters.

Once inside, they will try to distract you so that they can steal from you.

Do not let unexpected callers into your home. If in doubt…keep them out!

Report bogus officials to the Police online or by calling 101.

Protect yourself - have you:
  • Arranged an appointment for the caller?
  • Asked for identification?
  • Checked their identification using the number in the phonebook?
  • Felt pressured to act quickly?
  • Noticed that the caller is being overly helpful or friendly?
Protect others: have they…
  • Been too trusting of visitors before?
  • Mentioned an unexpected caller?
  • Become frightened or worried about answering the door?
  • Had money or valuables go missing?
  • Often left doors or windows unlocked and therefore, vulnerable to sneak-ins?
Use trusted traders, not dodgy doorstep chancers

Bogus traders are dishonest tradespeople who often turn up unannounced.

Some leaflet the area beforehand to look more genuine.

They often offer roofing, gardening, driveway and handyperson jobs.

The work may be unnecessary, not completed or done to a poor standard and overpriced.

Don’t do business on the doorstep. Use a recommended, trusted trader.

Report bogus traders to the Police online or by calling 101.

Protect yourself - have you:
  • Received an unexpected caller?
  • Agreed a price but it quickly increased?
  • Been asked for the full amount upfront?
  • Been taken to the bank or cash machine by the trader?
  • Been left with unfinished work or completed to a poor standard?
Protect others - have they:
  • Received more callers to the house than usual?
  • Had unnecessary building work done?
  • Unfinished building work on the house?
  • Drawn out more cash than needed?
  • Received no paperwork or receipts for the work?