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Fraud and Financial Crime

Welcome to Lancashire Constabulary's Fraud Site

The Fraud Triage Team (FTT) are based at Lancashire Constabulary, Hutton HQ, and work hard to protect our communities from the ever-present threat of fraud. 

Fraud accounts for a large proportion of crime so we work hard to both prevent and detect these crimes. 

Fraud can be incredibly damaging.  It can not only steal your hard-earned savings and disrupt your future plans, but even without financial loss, the emotional impact can be deeply unsettling. Unfortunately, with fraud accounting for a significant portion of all crimes, arresting every suspect isn't always possible. That's why we do a lot of work on prevention. We are working closely with our partners to "stop and block" fraud attempts before they happen.

All cases of fraud should be reported to Action Fraud, even if it has been reported to your local police, as the reference number they provide is the crime number which will be required when contacting any other organization(s) going forward.  

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime and each week, every police force within England and Wales (Scotland does not use this process) are notified of reports submitted within their force area.

Action Fraud will respond direct to all individuals who have submitted a report, advising of their decision and any action taken.  If you have any queries about your Action Fraud report and/or whether it has been sent out for investigation, then please email [email protected]. If you require a copy of your report and you are registered with Action Fraud, then you can download a copy by logging into your account. If you are not registered with Action Fraud, then you should contact them and request a copy via the above email address.

Ten golden rules to prevent fraud

Remember these ten golden rules to help you prevent fraud and beat the scammers.

  1. Be suspicious of all ‘too good to be true’ offers and deals. There are no guaranteed get-rich-quick schemes
  2. Don’t agree to offers or deals immediately. Insist on time to get independent or legal advice before making a decision
  3. Don’t hand over money or sign anything until you’ve checked someone’s credentials and their company’s
  4. Never send money to anyone you don’t know or trust, whether in the UK or abroad, or use methods of payment you’re not comfortable with
  5. Never give banking or personal details to anyone you don’t know or trust. This information is valuable so make sure you protect it
  6. Always log on to a website directly rather than clicking on links in an email
  7. Don’t just rely on glowing testimonials. Find solid, independent evidence of a company’s success
  8. Always get independent or legal advice if an offer involves money, time or commitment
  9. If you spot a scam or have been scammed, report it and get help
  10. Don’t be embarrassed about reporting a scam. Because the scammers are cunning and clever there’s no shame in being deceived. By reporting it, you'll make it more difficult for them to deceive others

Lancashire Constabulary receive approximately 140 victim cases from Action Fraud weekly. We contact the individuals concerned and provide whatever emotional and practical help we can to assist them through a very difficult time.

If you are in any doubt about the validity of the person you are dealing with, then report it to the relevant governing organisation. However, if you suspect fraudulent activity then report it to Action Fraud

If you feel you are in immediate danger then contact 999 or 101 for non-emergencies.

Click on the categories below for more information.