To be offered a driver retraining course by Lancashire Constabulary you must satisfy the following conditions:
For the speed awareness course, the speed of the offence must fall within the criteria stated below:
30 mph Up to and including 42 mph
40 mph Up to and including 53 mph
50 mph Up to and including 64 mph
60 mph Up to and including 75 mph
70 mph Up to and including 86 mph
The course is offered for speeding offences detected by safety cameras and Police Officers at the roadside; in Lancashire course eligibility thresholds are set at 10% +3 mph up to and including 10% +9 mph over the limit and apply to all road environments and all classes of vehicles.
Thresholds for Lancashire National What's Driving Us Course offers in relation to Red Light offences are noted below:
Offences up to 2.9 seconds into red light are eligible for Diversionary Course or Fixed Penalty
Offences 3.0 seconds and above are reported for prosecution
If you are eligible for a course the required paperwork will be enclosed and this explains what you need to do to apply.